Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness - 2012

Thank you everyone who contacted me to ask how Nolan's appointment went with the developmental pediatrician. We had some insurance problems and had to re-book for December. I have to admit that part of me is relieved and happy about the change in date. Nolan seems to be making such great strides. Both his speech and occupational therapists comment every week how much he is improving.  So my plan is to continue the work we are doing along with the NAET therapies and by December the doctor may see a very different Nolan. He has changed so much since the original evaluations in June I believe he will continue to between now and December.

Last week his occupational therapist mixed up some corn starch and water and created some wonderful goo for Nolan to play with. He LOVED it. It really satisfied his tactile sensory needs. If you have a child I recommend it. It's some weird stuff. It helps Nolan to engage his senses feeding his need for more information so that after the play he can approach other things giving them his full attention. The things I have learned so far in this process still amaze me. But even more, Nolan amazes me. Every. Single. Day.

Tomorrow is the Wave of Light for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month. October 15th is the day when we light a candle at 7pm local time to create a continuous wave of light that moves around the world. I put this picture together and posted it on Facebook for the day. I would be honored if you would light a candle on the 15th at 7pm too.

I miss my Eli.

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