Friday, November 25, 2011


It was a good Thanksgiving. My mom cooked and we hosted 10 people, family and extended family. My sister flew in from the east coast. Nolan even took part in dinner by eating mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and green beans. Go Nolan! It was the first holiday for my brother, J, without his wife, they are separated. But my niece and nephews were able to celebrate with us AND their mother's family since they are getting together this weekend.

I was so busy yesterday that I did not text, email or even post on facebook wishing a Happy Thanksgiving - that is really unusual for me.

But I did have time to sit down on the floor of Nolan's bedroom while he was napping and cry. I was looking at Eli's footprints yesterday and he had the exact same toes as Nolan. They each have/had a strange, kind of bent 2nd toe on both sides. When I become aware of things like that I wonder just how similar or different they may have been. I know it is no good to go down that road but sometimes I just don't want to stop myself....

I know I have so much to be thankful for and right now my biggest thanks is sleeping in his crib looking sweet and adorable in his little monkey blanket sleeper.

This is a day late but better late than never - I hope.
Let your gratitude be your Light. Let your Light shine as you celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Blessings to you all.

Friday, November 18, 2011

A Song and A Prayer

I cannot believe it has been over a month since I have posted! I guess moving will do that. I sat down and started to write 3 different posts and all the boxes and all that I needed to do stopped me from being able to focus. Still have boxes but most of them are in the garage so I can't see them right now. ;)

I just want to share a prayer I say with Nolan every night as I rock him before he goes to sleep. I have been doing it since he was in the NICU, after his brother died, so that he would always remember just how amazing and powerful he is, my earthbound star child. And then I added some extra to it when I was first diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Asking, praying, setting the intention that he would always have a legion of angels to support him and love him.

You are a child of the Universe
You are a child of God
The light of God shines down
Upon you
Through you
Radiates from you
You are a Being of Light
Your Eli, angels, guides and guardians
Surround you, support you, love you, guide you
Help you, hold you, heal you and keep you safe
And so it is.

There is also a song, that I made up, that I used to sing to him nightly. I started shortly after he came home from the hospital. Then over the past couple of months I stopped singing it since he didn't seem interested anymore. A couple of weeks ago I started singing it again and now when I do he smiles and laughs. He remembers. :0)

I love you
You love me
We're a loving family.
With our angel Eli watching over us
We'll be together for always.

November 8, 2011 we celebrated the one year anniversary of Nolan coming home to live. After 66 days in the hospital my baby boy was home.

Making it on a song and a prayer.